Panoramica del gioco
Command your fleet in a vast, unknown galaxy. Expand your base, customize ship weapons, and engage in massive battles with interstellar forces in Infinite Lagrange.

Was hard to get the point and click whete it should actually be clicking and where I actually tapped instead of whete the game just decides its going to act like you tapped almost entirely random. Im running a Galaxy A54 and it runs almost everything without issues so i know it isnt the phone but the game itself freezes up making it lag and make the wrong move for you more then youd like and a lot of game mechanics for this game are to limiting army resource wise, you have to wait ENTIRELY to long to gain any amount of resource to significantly change your combat style with the rts army building aspect. So your basically stuck with crappy ships unless you pay physical cash sadly ruining this overall could have been perfect if you could have actually advanced in a decent amount of time style space rts game.

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