Resumen del juego
Solve puzzles, defeat enemies, play through gothic fiction or create your own
Solve crosswords created from famous gothic books, novels and short stories by H.P. Lovecraft or Edgar Allen Poe to unlock new chapters. Level up and find precious items to overcome challenges and enemies on the way. Or create your very own crossword puzzles from any website or text in your clipboard.
Do you like horror, death, vampires or graveyards? Old poetic and deeply melancholic language from some of the greatest authors of all time? Go on an adventure and discover the works of Cthulhu inventor H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe and more by playing through them with your RPG character. Role-play as the protagonist and overcome enemies that stand in your way. (simple e-Book reader included)
Do you want to add to your story collection? Create and generate your own stories and crossword puzzles! You can download websites or simply copy and paste any story and the game will construct your very own adventure.
Are you learning English or do you want to extend your vocabulary? Learn spelling and correct dictionary definitions or completely new awesome words from another time.
Enter the world of Gothic Fantasy and become the tragic hero of your very own adventure!
Do you like horror, death, vampires or graveyards? Old poetic and deeply melancholic language from some of the greatest authors of all time? Go on an adventure and discover the works of Cthulhu inventor H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe and more by playing through them with your RPG character. Role-play as the protagonist and overcome enemies that stand in your way. (simple e-Book reader included)
Do you want to add to your story collection? Create and generate your own stories and crossword puzzles! You can download websites or simply copy and paste any story and the game will construct your very own adventure.
Are you learning English or do you want to extend your vocabulary? Learn spelling and correct dictionary definitions or completely new awesome words from another time.
Enter the world of Gothic Fantasy and become the tragic hero of your very own adventure!
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