Resumen del juego
Crosswords, American, Minesweeper, Keyword. 40 thousand tasks for free
Free crosswords and keyword puzzles. New Scandinavian crosswords and Crossword every 30 minutes!
A huge base of crosswords more than 40,000 tasks for every taste. Crosswords, Keywards, Keyword, Italian (American) Crosswords. As well as Anagrams and very complex puzzle - Minesweeper crossword for those who like to break their heads.
Quick and easy application supports all modern functions:
Rating: Solve scanwords faster than others and get into first place.
Achievements: Solve several tasks, use hints, obtain achievements and gain experience.
Saving in the cloud: Log in to your account on any device and continue to solve the job started.
Work online and offline, download many scanwords at once and take with you on the road where there is no Internet.
A huge base of crosswords more than 40,000 tasks for every taste. Crosswords, Keywards, Keyword, Italian (American) Crosswords. As well as Anagrams and very complex puzzle - Minesweeper crossword for those who like to break their heads.
Quick and easy application supports all modern functions:
Rating: Solve scanwords faster than others and get into first place.
Achievements: Solve several tasks, use hints, obtain achievements and gain experience.
Saving in the cloud: Log in to your account on any device and continue to solve the job started.
Work online and offline, download many scanwords at once and take with you on the road where there is no Internet.
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