King Legacy is a fantasy role-playing game for four players.
In King Legacy, you will take on the role of one of four characters: King, Minister, Soldier, or Thief. The King is the leader of the kingdom, and the Minister is his advisor. The Soldier is responsible for catching the thief among Soldier and Thief.
The game is played on a round-by-round basis. In each round, each player is assigned with a different fantasy based characters among King, Minister, Soldier, or Thief. Depending on your character, you are responsible to do actions accordingly. You can add names to each player according to your preference.
⚔ Enter names to four players according to your preference
⚔ Select Count of Rounds for Game
⚔ Indulge in the Role-Playing game with your unique fantasy character in each round
⚔ Keep an eye on the score board to be leading on top at the end of the game
👑🏰⚔ King Legacy Features:
⚔ Fantastic Gameplay with Responsive User Interface
⚔ High Quality Graphics
⚔ Controls on Sound Settings
⚔ Feel like your own Fantasy Kingdom
⚔ Amazing experience with King Legacy: The Fantasy Role-Playing Game
The game is played on a round-by-round basis. In each round, each player is assigned with a different fantasy based characters among King, Minister, Soldier, or Thief. Depending on your character, you are responsible to do actions accordingly. You can add names to each player according to your preference.
⚔ Enter names to four players according to your preference
⚔ Select Count of Rounds for Game
⚔ Indulge in the Role-Playing game with your unique fantasy character in each round
⚔ Keep an eye on the score board to be leading on top at the end of the game
👑🏰⚔ King Legacy Features:
⚔ Fantastic Gameplay with Responsive User Interface
⚔ High Quality Graphics
⚔ Controls on Sound Settings
⚔ Feel like your own Fantasy Kingdom
⚔ Amazing experience with King Legacy: The Fantasy Role-Playing Game
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