Get rid of all the cards in your hand before your opponent to win.
Dirty Seven is a shedding-type card game for 2 players. The objective of the game is to be the first player to discard all the cards in your hand.
At the beginning the two players are dealt 7 cards each. The players can see their own cards. One card is dealt face-up onto the waste pile. Remaining cards are set aside forming a stock pile.
In each turn player is supposed to discard one or more cards. If player has no matching card to throw, he/she must pick a card from the stock pile. Player can discard a card only if it matches either the rank or the suit of the top card in the waste pile. There are additional rules which must be followed while discarding a card.
The game ends as soon as any player has discarded all of his/her cards.
The game can be played against a bot player.
At the beginning the two players are dealt 7 cards each. The players can see their own cards. One card is dealt face-up onto the waste pile. Remaining cards are set aside forming a stock pile.
In each turn player is supposed to discard one or more cards. If player has no matching card to throw, he/she must pick a card from the stock pile. Player can discard a card only if it matches either the rank or the suit of the top card in the waste pile. There are additional rules which must be followed while discarding a card.
The game ends as soon as any player has discarded all of his/her cards.
The game can be played against a bot player.
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